Terry Buckman

Founder, CEO at Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc. - Coplay, PA, US

Terry Buckman's Colleagues at Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc.
Terry Buckman's Contact Details
Coplay, Pennsylvania, United States
Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc.
Terry Buckman's Company Details
Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc. logo, Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc. contact details

Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc.

Coplay, PA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Buckman Iron & Metal, Inc., provides a full range of comprehensive scrap management services and technically advanced scrap handling equipment to all types of industrial accounts throughout Eastern Pennsylvania. We collect ferrous and non-ferrous scrap from the metal-working industry, metal service centers, and other sources by providing in-plant accumulation and retrieval bins and/or truck containers at their facilities. When full, the bins and containers are transported to our processing facility. Prices paid for scrap metals, on a delivered basis, are determined primarily by market demand and the composition, quality, size and weight of the materials. Our substantial investment in processing equipment and an extensive truck fleet ensures the highest level of service.

Renewables & Environment
Details about Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Terry Buckman
Terry Buckman currently works for Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc..
Terry Buckman's role at Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc. is Founder, CEO.
Terry Buckman's email address is ***@buckmanironmetal.com. To view Terry Buckman's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Terry Buckman works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Terry Buckman's colleagues at Buckman Iron and Metal, Inc. are and others.
Terry Buckman's phone number is N/A
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