The Murfreesboro Pulse produces a monthly publication all about the art, events, dining, entertainment, people, music, news and businesses of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Readers may pick up the Pulse at no charge at hundreds of points throughout Murfreesboro, including restaurants, fitness centers, libraries, stores and on the MTSU campus.Find it online at: publication's advertising sponsors support the business financially, and the Pulse offers an excellent way to reach the people of Murfreesboro at an affordable rate, reaching 20,000 active Murfreesboro consumers each month through its print edition, website, email newsletter blast and social media. MTSU graduates Bracken Mayo and Sarah Lankford Mayo launched the Pulse in January 2006, and it remains local and independent. A variety of freelance writers submit content for each edition of the Pulse. To pitch stories or inquire about possible freelance writing assignments, contact: bracken@boropulse.comAn incredible roster of advertisers utilize the Pulse to reach its loyal audience in Middle Tennessee. For more information on advertising, contact: