WE HELP YOUR BUSINESS MOVE FORWARD… …by facilitating compliance with federal regulations that require offsets to environmental impacts to wetlands, streams and endangered species. WHAT ARE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? Developers with projects that impact wetlands, streams and endangered species must acquire permits from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Services to comply with federal regulations. Permits allow developers to compensate for unavoidable environmental impacts to wetlands, streams and endangered species. The most common form of compensation is the purchase of environmental credits from mitigation banks, followed by individual project-specific mitigation plans, where bank credits are not currently available. WHAT ARE ENVIRONMENTAL OFFSETS? When an organization receives permission to develop projects on critical ecosystems (wetlands, streams, species), they must make investments in similar ecosystems near the impacted area by purchasing credits from existing mitigation banks and/or developing custom mitigation solutions (permittee-responsible mitigation). The amount of investment required is determined by regulators who consider a number of factors such as acres impacted, ecological properties of area impacted and the relative equity of the potential mitigation solution. WHO ARE OUR KEY CLIENTS? We support environmental firms in meeting their clients' long-term mitigation needs by working with industries, environmental firms, regulators and ecologists to facilitate various efforts with state and federal agencies. MSUSA: LEADING NATIONAL MITIGATION SUPPLIER Since 2007, federal and state agencies, municipalities, private landowners, private equity investment firms, venture capitalists and nationally-recognized conservation groups have relied on our expertise to help keep their development projects, and businesses, moving forward.