Physicians Development Group develops and operates state-of-the-art Senior Healthcare Campuses. These modern facilities are built to include physicians' insights and perspectives on the wellness requirements for seniors in the tender years of their lives. Comfortable. Inviting for families. Easily marketed. Very well received. PDG is recognized as a national leader in building and operating facilities with superior designs, concepts and people. Our guiding purpose is very important to our organization and can be felt at every facility we develop and operate. PDG develops and partners with Axiom, the operating company, which works with each of the facilities. "Improving lives, exceeding expectations" For investors, the company excels in articulating the opportunity, both functionally and financially. The company also assists its many investors in crafting and resourcing their custom investments to meet personal goals. During each project's development cycle, PDG provides comprehensive communication, ensuring investors have the financial transparency they desire and confidence in the project's management.PDG specializes in offering physicians and others the opportunity to invest in these projects. The company also welcomes consulting engagements where its proven acumen can assist in the research, design, capitalization, development and operation of projects nationally.