Bee pollen is a valuable apitherapeutic product greatly appreciated by consumers of natural medicine. Bee pollen is known for the potential it has within nutritional applications and the variable dietary benefits it gives. Bee pollen demonstrates a series of actions such as antifungal, antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, anticancer immunostimulating, and local analgesic. Beneficial properties of bee pollen and the validity for their therapeutic use in various pathological condition have been discussed amongst scientist, athletes, and health enthusiasts.Bee pollen is a mixture of flower pollen, nectar, enzymes, honey, wax and bee secretions. Foraging honey bees collect pollen from plants and transport it to the beehive, where it is stored and used as food for the colony. Recently, bee pollen has gained traction in the health community because it is loaded with nutrients, amino acids, vitamins, lipids and over 250 active substances.Since it's a natural product that is always different based on geographical location and flower type, it's hard to know exactly what's in the bee pollen you get.Bee pollen is sold as natural granules you can measure out and take by the spoonful. You can also mix it into other foods like granola or yogurt or make smoothies with it. It generally has a bitter taste, although people who take it regularly seem to get used to it.Bee Pollen the product of young honeybees, is considered one of nature's most completely nourishing foods. It contains nearly all nutrients required by humans.