Themba Mabaso

Trainer at SchoolNet South Africa - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Themba Mabaso's Contact Details
Durban,KwaZulu-Natal,South Africa
SchoolNet South Africa
Themba Mabaso's Company Details
SchoolNet South Africa logo, SchoolNet South Africa contact details

SchoolNet South Africa

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa • 32 Employees
Nonprofit Organization Management

SchoolNet SA is at the forefront of ICT implementation strategies in South African schools. It has developed a successful implementation strategy as a result of its experience and analysis of a wide range of past ICT implementation projects. As part of this process it has developed a teacher development framework that has seen its continued leading involvement in the Educators' Network, a distance-based ICT integration educator development programme. SchoolNet SA is South Africa's leading innovator in professional development programmes in ICT integration and school ICT leadership. We are the national agency for two multi-national teacher development programmes, Intel* Teach to the Future and Microsoft* Partners in Learning.Contact us:

Details about SchoolNet South Africa
Frequently Asked Questions about Themba Mabaso
Themba Mabaso currently works for SchoolNet South Africa.
Themba Mabaso's role at SchoolNet South Africa is Trainer.
Themba Mabaso's email address is *** To view Themba Mabaso's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Themba Mabaso works in the Nonprofit Organization Management industry.
Themba Mabaso's colleagues at SchoolNet South Africa are Fasiga Farred, Hlengiwe Mfeka, Siyamthanda Ntshintshi, Nokubonga Lamula, Nomty Gcaba, Maropeng Monareng, Mathapelo Sehume and others.
Themba Mabaso's phone number is
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