"The Bus," is a Park and Party experience that offers annual memberships for 8 Cowboys home games, 2 Rangers games, and Rangers Opening day. You may also rent "The Bus" for private tailgate events, birthday parties, corporate parties, and more. Whether you rent or attend a member event, you always receive: • Full Set Up by "The Bus" Staff • On-Site Staff to keep up the fun • All you can drink and all you can eat • 4 Big Screen TVs to View Multiple Games • Outside Yard Games • Seating • Interior with restroom, heating and AC, 4 captain's chairs, a leather couch, and a support pole • Complete Take Down and Clean Up "The Bus" is a no-hassle/affordable service that will amaze you, your friends and your family with a memorable experience! If you are looking for a party bus in Dallas or DFW, you've come to the right place!