Administrative Assistant / Personal Trainer at Family Kickboxing - Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
For the over a decade, we've specialized in taking every day folks from all walks of life from where they are, to where they want to be. A full 62% of our clients are actually OVER the age of 40, and over 75% are women who've never in their wildest dreams thought they could do kickboxing! We've helped clients:• Lose upwards of 200 pounds (that's no typo!).• Feel alive, young and energized again packed with vitality.• Tighten and tone up the body, especially after weight loss.• Relieve pent up stress, without even noticing all while having a blast!• Improve their overall confidence in all areas of life.• Realize just what they were truly capable of and truly RAISE their quality of life. Now, don't get me wrong, as you probably know anyone can talk a good game – but only a few can genuinely walked the walk. Drop in today for and start your Two Free Week trial and see why the Family Kickboxing Experience is one everyone tries to imitate, yet few succeed in delivering.