Theresa Ta

Editor in Chief at Our Bible App - Philadelphia, PA, US

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Greater Philadelphia
Our Bible App
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Our Bible App

Philadelphia, PA, US • 5 - 9 Employees

WELCOMEWelcome to Our Bible app. We are a progressive community and we want you to join us in celebrating our many diversities and faith capacities. This is a faith based bible app that is "Uplifting believers of all stripes." Until now it has been extremely difficult to find devotionals, podcasts and resources that aren't overtly conservative in nature. Our goal is to provide a platform with the largest compilation of progressive faith based media content, bringing together writers and readers in one final media hub. We hope you will enjoy our offerings. Come back often to discover weekly featured devotionals, podcasts and more.MISSIONOur Bible App supports the belief that spirituality is a spectrum and that faith is a journey. At its core, the holy text was written to be inclusive of all of God's creation especially those on the margins. Our Bible App is bringing it back to the roots celebrating the diversity of God's creation with devotionals highlighting the inclusiveness of the text. Whether one goes to church to find spiritual clarity or to the sanctuary of nature, Our Bible App supports the belief that we are each trying to understand our place in this grand universe. Our goal is to untangle the binds that Christian colonizers have spread across the globe over hundreds of years. Through devotionals highlighting pro LGBT, pro-women and encourage interfaith inclusivity we hope to provide a tool that is needed to create healthy prayer and meditation habits.

Liberation Theology LGBT Affirming Progressive Christian Daily Devotionals Multiple Bible Translations Podcasts Books Media Hub Christianity Community Outreach Pro Women Anti Purity Culture Interfaith Spiritual but Not Religious Technology Faith App Android Apple Social Space
Details about Our Bible App
Frequently Asked Questions about Theresa Ta
Theresa Ta currently works for Our Bible App.
Theresa Ta's role at Our Bible App is Editor in Chief.
Theresa Ta's email address is *** To view Theresa Ta's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Theresa Ta works in the Movies industry.
Theresa Ta's colleagues at Our Bible App are Crystal Cheatham and others.
Theresa Ta's phone number is N/A
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