Jalin Alam Nusantara Foundation, known as Jalantara, coined by several people who have different expertise with same concerns regard of the waste problems in the neighborhood.For years, the waste problems has take roots and become undissolved problems. We believe, the key to solve it is in the community itself. After many researches, we found the best methods how to recycle some waste uncostly, but produced high quality products that ready to deliver to the market. At this time, we are working with used cooking oil which produced by the residential and small and medium enterprise (SME), and create high quality biodiesel, castile soap, and many other premium products. Most of the premium products we share to the residential and SME then they might feel the benefits from the recycling activities. Now, some of the SMEs are using the biodiesel product from their own used cooking oil we recycled, and reduce their production cost significantly.Now, we are working wider with other foundations and central/local government, researching any other waste types to be produced into valuable products, and share our knowledge to the other communities.