ETA" has enjoyed rapid success and gained a wealth of experience in only a brief period. Established in 2016 we have already worked in multiple jurisdictions and can boast a successful "bailout" of a significant educational institution Aditya Group, which are one of the largest and most long-established educational societies in Bengal, India. ETA was incorporated after an initial three years of work setting up the roots for it to flourish. At ETA, we have now successfully packaged multiple financial products, including a securities-based product out of Delaware USA and corporate bonds issued from Singapore so have experience with both the SEC and MAS. Our most recent products see us merge residential real estate with investment products in a way we believe has never been done before, although to the naked eye it looks like something very familiar to the general public. "ETA Rental Guarantee" and "ETA Capital Gain" are the two newest product launches and are proving very popular with over USD 6million raised in the first month.