Managing, structuring, and maintaining a productive organization is a complex job. The drive to improve results and the bottom line is endless. KNO is focused on strengthening your operational and strategic results.Troubleshooting and applying solutions to your organization's challenges demand analysis. Discover the real cause of gaps between optimal results and current problems. Because you don't want to react merely to symptoms. You want the problem solved and the solution durable. KNO works in both the corporate and government arenas. In this role, we work directly with CEO's and line managers. The focus of these efforts is increased profit, expanded revenues and market share, and reduced cost of operations.We work with executive management to implement changes through improved standards, training, and motivational strategies. International Development Projects KNO also focuses on international development donor-funded projects. Our client list includes many of the most renown agencies and contractors. In the specific arena of human and institutional capacity development, KNO implements short-term contacts with USAID, World Bank, EU/ Leonardo da Vinci, Radio Free Liberty and Peace Corps. All of our project execution and staff capabilities are designed to assist international donors to achieve their goals in support of a multitude of sectors. We succeed through high staff professionalism, in-depth experience, and efficient multi-party teamwork based on time-tested standards and techniques.Our senior consultants are all ISPI Certified Performance Technologists (CPT) and fully utilize well-tested methods in all areas of our practice. This includes a strict adherence to the International Society of Performance Improvement code of ethics in project implementation.