Thomas Chmieleski

Manager, Project Finance at Green Development - North Kingstown, RI, US

Thomas Chmieleski's Contact Details
Providence, Rhode Island, United States
Green Development
Thomas Chmieleski's Company Details
Green Development logo, Green Development contact details

Green Development

North Kingstown, RI, US • 100 - 249 Employees

Since 2009 Green Development has been developing renewable energy solutions across Rhode Island, working with communities, public entities, non-profits, landowners, and farmers to plan and construct wind turbines and solar energy systems that deliver reliable and inexpensive power. With over 50 MW of solar and wind under operation today, we expect to dramatically increase capacity over the next two years. We have current job openings for licensed electricians, electrical engineers, equipment operators, laborers, project managers, and other critical roles. OUR MISSION1) INCREASE ENERGY SECURITY. Today, Rhode Island imports most of its energy resources, with nearly 95% derived from natural gas that is produced out-of-state. The cost of these resources increases in times of short supply. Green Development is committed to helping Rhode Island produce its own power from renewable sources, thereby establishing a reliable and environmentally-friendly energy supply.2) REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS. Renewable energy solutions installed by Green Development have a positive impact on the surrounding environment, offsetting imported electricity that is generated by fossil fuel. Each year, a single operating wind turbine reduces greenhouse gas emissions at a level that is equivalent to the impact of removing 500 cars from the road. 3) PRESERVE FARMLAND IN RI. When Green Development builds renewable energy projects on the properties of local farmers and large landowners, they receive lease revenue that helps preserve family farms and acreage for future generations. 4) BOOST LOCAL ECONOMIES. Our renewable energy solutions deliver power to towns and cities through virtual net metering arrangements at low fixed rates, saving them millions of dollars over the course of the contract. Our wind and solar projects also create local jobs in the areas of project design, development, service, and maintenance, among others.

Wind Turbine Development Solar Project Development Wind and Solar Construction Project Finance Project Ownership Operations & Maintenance Asset Management Hydropower Operations & Maintenance Wind Turbine Maintenance Site Preparation EPC Contractor
Details about Green Development
Frequently Asked Questions about Thomas Chmieleski
Thomas Chmieleski currently works for Green Development.
Thomas Chmieleski's role at Green Development is Manager, Project Finance.
Thomas Chmieleski's email address is *** To view Thomas Chmieleski's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Thomas Chmieleski works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Thomas Chmieleski's colleagues at Green Development are Ryan Foley, Aiden McCaughey, Jack Kh, Aron Newby, Eric Green, Timothy OMalley, Gordon Green and others.
Thomas Chmieleski's phone number is 401-295-4998
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