camadeus Film Technologies is a high-end service and technology provider in the Film and TV industry,specializing in camera accessories, service and support.As the exclusive distributor of such high end European brands as cmotion, Bright Tangerine,Panther Dollies & Cranes, Screen Plane and Gecko-Cam products, the team of experts at camadeusalways strives to deliver only the most sophisticated equipment available to their clients.Check our Facebook page also our YouTube page Film Technologies is a result of the merger of cmotion Film Technologies, Inc andPanther Dollies & Cranes, LLC in 2008. camadeus is based in Los Angeles, CA.Additionally, we are providing services through our partner companies :* Film / commercial production - Zyclotron (* Mechatronic custom development, Motion Picture industry special product development - cmotion (* IT - OpenERP implementation - camadeus GmbH (