Trusted. Respected. Recommended.Often buying and/or selling is one of the biggest purchases you will make throughout your lifetime. When making this decision you want to work with a real estate professional that is loyal, hardworking, trustworthy and experienced.We offer a group of real estate professionals, combining our experiences while working together for our clients. We are confident that our team of real estate agents bring the skills necessary to successfully complete a variety of transaction types. If you are a first-time home buyer or relocating we can help. We have successfully negotiated bank owned properties and short sales. If you are an investor we are here to walk you through every step of the way. In fact, the leader of the Goss Team has over 10 years of experience as a contractor and has rehabilitated many properties across Northern Rhode Island.We feel fortunate to provide you with a great group of lenders, attorneys and other referral partners that also pride themselves in the services they provide. We want you to feel confident and know that we only want the best for our clients.We are excited to represent you and build a long-lasting relationship with you while walking you through the important journey of making your dreams become a reality.