> Database for all healthcare professionalsEbpracticenet is a digital database with evidence-based guidelines and information for Belgian healthcare professionals. Through an online platform we provide practice guidelines, recommendations, critical article reviews, patient brochures, measuring instruments and audiovisual material. Through the combination of scientific evidence, experience and expertise of healthcare professionals, and wishes and preferences of the patient, evidence-based practice is created.> Database with evidence-based professional literatureEbpracticenet applies a well-founded value framework. The focus is exclusively on validated guidelines. All information published on ebpracticenet has been approved by Cebam, the Belgian Center for Evidence-Based Medicine. In addition, we recognize the expertise of the healthcare professional and we take into account the interests of the patient. This golden triangle is the main theme of our vision on quality healthcare.> Database with an accessible search engineEbpracticenet is a user-friendly platform that is managed on behalf of the Belgian government and is exclusively aimed at healthcare professionals. They can register and make free use of the knowledge database with up-to-date information. Through the handy search engine, information can be consulted quickly before, during or after a consultation.> Database with a solid supportThe functioning of ebpracticenet is supported by the expertise of its 20 members, who strive for evidence-based care in various fields. Virtually the entire primary care is represented within ebpracticenet. Thanks to the commitment and involvement of the members, the content and quality of the database is growing and there is a dynamic of multidisciplinary cooperation.