Backend Benchmarking is the publisher of The Robo Report™. The Robo Report™ is an ongoing study that monitors the largest and most well-known robo advisors with the goal of providing industry transparency. Given the comparatively recent emergence and increasing popularity of these algorithm- and automation-backed products, we think it is important to understand what their characteristics are and how they compare because we believe in transparency for investors. Our goal is to provide a research tool to help investors make informed decisions when considering investing in a robo advisor. We are committed to unbiased, informative, and numbers-driven analysis of the different robo advice providers. We do it to help you, the investor, better understand the robo advice market. ----- Backend Benchmarking is the publisher of "The Robo Report" that monitors well-known robo advisors. Backend Benchmarking’s mission is to empower individual investors to improve their portfolios by providing unbiased insights, actionable advice, and peer comparisons. They also publish The Robo Ranking semiannually, which ranks every Robo Advisor against their competitors based on their quantitative metrics like performance and fees, as well as their qualitative features and services, like financial planning tools, access to live advisors, customer experience and more. We plan to expand our analysis to other financial products to bring transparency to all corners of the investment world.