If your organization is exposed to risks and would like a third-party to assist you find, evaluate, analyze and mitigate all those significant risks (and prevent some disasters), we can do that, with our new services and unique proprietary "risk mapping" algorithmic tools. We can complement your own existing risk, disaster recovery, emergency management, and business continuity experts (and subject matter experts), encode their collective knowledge in the intelligent "map", and make their valuable knowledge even more useful to you. We can cover all kinds of business risks, not just risks in IT. We do our services in short phases, each with its own deliverables and immediate benefits to you. We "map" risks across as much of your organization as you want. You can stop our services at any point, or continue them to widen and deepen the understanding of your risk environment, increase your preparedness, and prevent many risks from happening and causing damage. And during our risk mapping we also look for opportunities for you to save costs.