ABOUT ENVISION MEDICAL GROUP The Affordable Care Act has created massive changes in healthcare, offering both opportunities and challenges. While this has lead to more coverage, it has also resulted in major providers absorbing smaller ones and local hospitals merging to share the financial burden. Our patients are our customers and our providers are not just a number in a directory. At Envision, we know bigger isn’t always better so we focus on supporting the small private group and individual physicians. Our Mission OUR MISSION is to be an integrated, physician driven health care enterprise focused on consistently delivering high quality and cost efficient outcomes leading to a healthier community. Our patients are customers with a choice and our first responsibility is to them. Envision alone, will not be all things to all people; rather, it will focus its resources on delivering those services it does best while partnering with others in order to offer a comprehensive and complete array of services within the healthcare continuum. Envision will be a flexible organization; fully prepared to take advantage of opportunities in its marketplace in both an ethical and fiscally responsible manner.