ETANDEX is France's leading independent specialty construction companyTurnover : 64 million Euros in 2013Employees : 350Branches : 10ETANDEX was initially created as a specialist of brush-applied crystalline waterproofing technologies that thoroughly penetrated and completely waterproofed concrete below the surface.Since then, ETANDEX has been a leader in the advancement of waterproofing and coating technologies and solutions:Foundation and slab applicationsContainment coatings for drinkable water tanks, swimming pools or fountainsConcrete repairs and protection for sewer networks and water treatment plantsWaterproofing systems for tunnels, subways or underground facilitiesWaterproofing coatings for decks, bridges and roofingAt the same time, ETANDEX has developed an expertise, unmatched in France, in the restoration and the protection of concrete and masonry structures:Seismic upgradesCorrosion inhibitorSurface repairStructural reinforcementSpecialty flooringCrack repair and bonding