- Work with a Team Of Caring Proven ProfessionalsFor more information on the January class date or the online training and Green Business Consultant Certification, contact Frank A Villani at 305-610-1628 or Frank@GreenLifeSolarOne.com Green Consulting Demand Creates Florida Green Jobs Green, Green Business Certification, Green Business Consultant, Green Business League, green jobs, training / With Hundreds of Hotels already One Palm Certified by The State of Florida and The State struggling with budget cuts The Green Business League has stepped up to the plate opening a Florida office to service the thousands of Florida Hotels, Resorts and other businesses lined up to earn their Green Business Certification. After only 30 days we are working with dozens of the hotels and chains in the Miami area and are quickly expanding to the rest of Florida. To keep up up the demand we will be sponsoring a 3 day intensive program January, Feb. and March 14,15 and16th 2011 to train and certify Green Business Consultants to fill these positions that allow motivated individuals to really make a difference and earn a 6 figure income in the process. For more information on the January class date or the online training and Green Business Consultant Certification – Frank A Villani 305-610-1628 or Frank@GreenLifeSolarOne.com