Thu Inh

Copywriter - FPT at USA DBA - , Florida, United States

Thu Inh's Contact Details
Thu Inh's Company Details
USA DBA logo, USA DBA contact details


, Florida, United States • 11 - 50 Employees
Management Consulting

Somos una consultora boutique de negocios y franquicias que presta servicios a la medida de nuestros clientes, de forma directa y personalizada, apoyados en una red de profesionales.Reducimos de forma drástica los costos relacionados con la curva de aprendizaje de desarrollar nuevos negocios en el Sur de Florida. Somos miembros de: FCI - Front Consulting International IFA - International Franchise Association We are a boutique Business Consulting & Franchising Firm located in Miami, focused on businesses looking for the best commercial practices.We offer solution toolkits designing, implementing, and developing your business. Our Consultants are Certified Franchise Executives (CFE) by the International Franchise Association (IFA)

Details about USA DBA
Frequently Asked Questions about Thu Inh
Thu Inh currently works for USA DBA.
Thu Inh's role at USA DBA is Copywriter - FPT.
Thu Inh's email address is *** To view Thu Inh's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Thu Inh works in the Management Consulting industry.
Thu Inh's colleagues at USA DBA are Chung Thanh, Diep Phung, Winner Shirts, Luong Khanh, Hang Phuong, Hoang Ba, Trinh Trinh and others.
Thu Inh's phone number is
See more information about Thu Inh