A new online marketplace introducing a Premium Content experience that "Makes $ense" for everyone. Finally Consumers get content and services A la Carte and Personalized. But most importantly, with Sollywood TV, they get their content and services CORRECTLY priced. Even if that price is 3 $ense. #SupplyandDemand@SollarsandSenseWith us, don't expect ridiculous Bundle Bills or useless searching and paying for endless channels you never watch. Instead get ready for what you want, delivered on-demand to you, AT THE RIGHT PRICE! And for the first time get ready for a marketplace where any type of content provider no matter how BIG or small is welcomed to "Make $ense" from you.Student filmmakers to Hollywood studios to Netflix to Sports. It no longer matters. Because we price CORRECTLY, to One $ent, there is now a marketplace where every content creator can be delivered! It's the lean back experience you've been waiting for... Your very own Personal and Affordable Hollywood.