So You Boutique was once a clothing boutique in Springfield, MO. From the outside it seemed like I had it all: two successful businesses, nice material possessions, great friends and family, and a fabulous social life. But on the inside there was chaos and my health was deteriorating. I had lost myself and was like a ship sitting in a fog with no harbor to sail to. If I could, I would have my own Eat, Pray, Love adventure. Instead of Italy, India and Indonesia, I settled for Denver, Seattle, and Scottsdale. I made it to Denver in March 2009 and here I've stayed because I've found HOME.I write it not to impress you, but to impress UPON that you can do, be and have whatever you dream. Every interaction you have can change a person, even if it's a cyber one. It's not about the destination; it's about the journey, the EXCITEMENT, and the growth.Services available include:- Diversity Training- Human Resource Training- Conflict Resolution- Genealogy Readings- Party Entertainment- Life Potential Readings- Compatibility Readings- Cosmetic Surgery Consultations