Established in October 2015, ITP&CREASIA is a Joint Venture between ITP (Ishida Taiseisha Inc,) a 100 year old Japanese Communication Services Corporation and Creasia, a Vietnamese leading company in Marketing field. ITP&CREASIA gathers leading experts in communication and marketing in order to provide its solutions among 4 areas: - Sales promotion (Activation Campaign, Opening or Launching Ceremony, Corporate, Exhibition, SP tools) - Digital marketing (Online PR Article, SNS campaign, Application software development, Online video campaign, Digital signage) - Market research (Survey, Test) - Localisation (Script writing, Marketing, Technical or Legal Documents translation, Desktop Publisher, Technical drawing) The joint venture aims to benefit from ITP's know-how and global network (27 offices in Asia, Europe and America) and CREASIA's experience in Vietnam providing planning, organisation, design and production services for promotional events. ITP&CREASIA's strategy is to create effective and efficient means of communication between sender and receiver. From marketing and planning, to information processing utilising the latest technology, ITP&CREASIA integrates all functions into a single process.