SMALL BUSINESS ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH SOLUTIONS ROOTED IN THE MONTANA WAY OF LIFEGetting Back to the Basics that are Simple. Human. Smart.SIMPLE: Solutions that are common sense, easy to use, and can be applied immediately.HUMAN: Solutions that are designed and delivered around the psychological needs and principles of the 21st century employee.SMART: Solutions that are rooted in theory and research, using validated and reliable tools and learning activities.Big Sky Way. is consulting and education firm specializing in organizational development, talent management, & small business management providing solutions to purpose driven organizations across the globe. The intentional term "Way." is a principle-based celebration of Montana virtues, and is woven into Big Sky Way's education, consulting, and performance coaching services.Too many organizations struggle with internal dysfunction; characterized by unclear direction, poor execution, siloing, turf wars, and politics. Employers and employees are craving Organic Growth, Healthy Culture, Employee Engagement, and Next Generation Leaders. Our job is to untangle dysfunction, identify pain points, and implement science based, yet easy to use tools and techniques, that drive meaningful business outcomes and true Return-on-Learning-Investment.Whether you're seeking a strategic alliance with the right partner or need power-skill development for your organization, call us today. Together we can create and refine your plan for success. We didn't get here alone, and neither will you.