The Resourceful CEO provides programs, packaged solutions and strategic, financial and operational custom consulting and advisory as a Fractional COO, a CEO resource. The Resourceful CEO helps small to medium B2B companies restructure their operations and finances to generate stronger cash flow, higher profits and greater flexibility. Clients have experienced revenue increases of 10 to 40%, profitability increases of 20% to 250%, and 2-4x improvement in operational cash flow in 1 year or less. Owners have reduced work time from 70-80 hours to 40-50 and from full-time to part-time or passive owners.Examples:• Helped multi-owner A&E client increase its revenues by nearly 30%, while increasing profit by 250% in one year. Helped owners identify and set company goals. Revamped organizational structure, identified and set KPI targets, implemented weekly principal meetings with structured agendas, and created and implemented an employee evaluation system.• Helped $28 MM multi-owner manufacturing and construction firm achieve revenues and profits that nearly equaled the previous year despite being on target for a 20% reduction at the mid-year point. Drove a reduction in turnover from 150% to 30% in <6 months. Helped increase company value from 2*EBITDA to 5.5*EBITDA sales price in 1.5 years.I combine my passion for financial independence and business ownership into helping B2B business owners who are frustrated, bored, upset and scared about the state of their business operations. As a business consultant, I lead owners through successful, impactful financial and operational business restructurings that drive higher cash flow, stronger profits and greater owner flexibility and freedom.