Assent Group is legally registered with CIPC as Assent Group (PTY) LTD, with registration number: 2014/032974/07. Assent Group is a parent company to two subsidiaries (Novelty Entrepreneur and Assent Marketing) that operate in the below mentioned categories: One: Entrepreneurial development and compliance (Novelty Entrepreneur) Two: Brand development and brand communication (Assent Marketing) And based on the entrepreneurial nature of our company, we are constantly exploring innovative solutions that responds to the needs of our clients. We mainly focusing on entrepreneurship sector, where we help entrepreneurs start and run successful businesses. HOW DO WE HELP ENTREPRENEURS? Under Novelty Entrepreneur, we help entrepreneurs with start-up tailored business consulting services. See more details about our consulting services on Our Service page. Under Assent Marketing, we help entrepreneurs to establish, develop, and communicate their respective brands to their target markets. See more details about our consulting services on Our Service page.