If you are looking for great savings on quality used cars in the East Midlands, then you have reached the right place. Greenwich Knight Ltd offers a bespoke buying service, allowing you to find your perfect car with the added benefit of first class customer service and very competitive pricing. At Greenwich Knight Ltd we stock a range of new and used cars to suit all budgets and lifestyles so please browse our stock list as we are sure to have the right car for you.We realise that buying a car can be a daunting experience, but don't worry; we are well established within the East Midlands and come with a great reputation. Furthermore we offer excellent advice and experience on vehicles and vehicle maintenance. Our friendly staff will go the extra mile to guarantee that you receive the advice you need. This is the reason why we retain many of our clients time and time again.Greenwich Knight Ltd also specialise in left hand drive and imported vehicles from around the world, thanks to our two sister companies, My Car Import and LHD Car Specialist. Proud to have the UK's only privately owned IVA testing lane, My Car Import have the ability to make your new car eligible for British roads in a fraction of the time.