The Ex'tax Project Foundation is an independent think tank striving towards an update of our tax systems to combat global challenges, such as climate disruption, pollution, resource supply risks and unemployment.We focus on opportunities to increase taxes on resources and pollution, and using the revenues to lower the tax burden on labour: those are the taxshift principles.The foundation raises support and creates alliances and practical tools that help advance the implementation of these principles around the world. Since 2012 we frequently work with our knowledge partners Deloitte, EY, KPMG and PwC and the ACCA. We have successfully influenced tax policies and strategies in The Netherlands and Finland and have put the Ex'tax principles on the agenda of organizations such as the OECD and the WBCSD and are widely supported by CEOs in the business community.The Ex'tax Project is a non-profit foundation (a Dutch ‘ANBI‘ or public benefit organisation). To do our work, we depend on the generous donations of our benefectors and supporters.