Online Youth Basketball Training Program for Players and CoachesOur mission at Next Level Basketball Academy is to provide the very best youth basketball online skills development and coaching systems. These programs are affordable for all highly motivated athletes, coaches, and parents. After years of playing basketball, developing young player's basketball skills, scouting college basketball, and basketball coaching, I saw a great void in the game. Young players are playing more games, but working less on skill development. In addition, many driven players who DO want to work on skills don't know where to go or what to do. With the help of many great people, we've created an online youth basketball training program.Honestly, all of us working on this project are a bit OCD in our areas of expertise, so rest assured this training program works and works VERY well. The mission is to help kids that are driven to improve, but don't know how to train, by providing an inexpensive online training guide, and walking them through a training system step by step.We also provide coaches with an inexpensive coaching program walking them through their first FIVE weeks of practice. We instruct coaches how to teach, what to teach, and how to ensure player skill development is not overlooked.To apply for a press package (Free demo account included), please visit