A web site that connects your Smartphone to any Smart TV, cell phone, tablet, computer or other device, regardless of operating system.This project was created by Claudio Garaycochea in collaboration with Constancia Wendt. We need your help in order to finalize programming, secure more powerful servers and formalize and launch the project so that all may enjoy it.We have been encouraged by the fact that in a few months, we have received support from universities and freelance programmers; thanks to them we were able to promote the video demo. These groups have given us a hand in promoting the website, with the goal of attracting a large number of users. This is in addition to other steps we will take in order to promote the system virally, as well as doing press releases in various countries.Founder Claudio Garaycochea has been developing web startups for over ten years, so he has much to offer in the way of experience and creativity.