Dumping unnecessary OpEx into utilities? We review utility bills and help businesses save in utility expenses. KC Energy focuses primarily on manufacturing, processing, storage, printing, distribution, warehousing & most recently continuing care retirement communities. Savings come in different forms: some are no-cost options, others involve capital for installation of energy-efficient equipment.Results can be significant. Recently we reviewed a large food processing plant's electric bill that had a no-cost savings opportunity of $10,976 per month (about 5% of the total bill). That's an annual savings of $129,549, or $647,745 over 5 years. This company thought they had everything covered......a corporate accounting group...a facilities group...a 3rd party utility watchdog group...but none caught the error.You can have KC Energy put another set of eyes on your bills, starting with a free quick-look.Your process is fairly straightforward: Step 1 - Send us your most recent month utility bills (info@kcenergyllc.com). Step 2 - We'll let you know if there are any potential savings opportunities. Step 3 - Engage KC Energy to dive into the opportunities and start saving.So......do you have untapped OpEx savings opportunities on your utility bill?The bigger question is......do you know?Reach out with questions, to schedule a short discovery call, or send your most recent bill via DM or tim@kcenergyllc.com.