One of the best things about being self-employed is that you get to do what you want to do. That's probably why you went into business for yourself.Now, there are going to be a lot of moving parts in your business life, no matter what the business idea and how you decide to build it. Marketing, selling, production, procurement, sub-contracting, accounting, delivery, proposal writing, contract negotiation… it's a long, long list.And it's on you to figure it all out.Often, it can be overwhelming, and it's not helped by the general day-to-day isolation we encounter when we've got our heads down working on our business.All too often, the reality is you just struggle through your issues the best you can, often wasting valuable time flip-flopping between possible options with no forward movement.Which is where having a readily available, diverse, and easy to access team of advisors can be a game-changer for you.People who are familiar with the challenges you're facing and keen to share their experiences and insights with you. Peers who will encourage and support you, but also hold you accountable for taking action and moving forward. So you can grow your skills. Improve your decision-making. Build your confidence. Boost your focus and productivity. And grow your success.And that's exactly what The Free Agent Collective is. A ready-made community of self-employed professionals who are individually working on improving their own game and tapping into the community for accountability, advice, encouragement, and support.When you join The Free Agent Collective, you can immediately tap into the combined wisdom of the community to help figure out what your best next step is in moving your game forward.Easily accessible. Diverse and deep skill sets. Very affordable. And highly effective at moving you and your game forward.