Track n Trace Solutions specialiise in handheld mobile computer solutions. Our clients call them PDA barcode scanners. Our solutions relate to most barcode scanner systems. We provide solutions for:Warehouse and inventory management. Stocktake Scanner sales & rentals.Asset management For IT Fixed Assets.Tool & Equipment Tracking. Event management. Conference Management. Visitor Management. Sales and rentals for our PDA scanners / Handheld Computers Australia Wide. Custom Designed Barcode SystemsOur products include a wide range of barcode scanners, 2D barcode scanners, pda barcode scanners, wireless barcode scanner & bluetooth barcode scanners. We offer shelf software for inventory and asset management. We also write custom built software for our clients. We also have an attendance tracking and ticket validation software called TAME that we provide our clients. So whether you are looking to buy or rent, hopefully you will give Track n Trace Solutions the opportunity to make you another happy customer of ours