Assitant Director of Operations at International Association for Refugees - Plymouth, MN, US
IAFR was established in 2009 in response to the need for an international Christian non-profit to seek the welfare of forcibly displaced people together with the church.OUR WORKIAFR seeks the welfare of forcibly displaced people together with the church. Forcibly Displaced People include refugees, asylum-seekers and internally displaced people (IDP). These women, children and men are uprooted from their homes by rampant violence, war and/or persecution.We focus on long-term recovery work that serves to break isolation, strengthen community, build capacity, facilitate healing, promote reconciliation, deepen faith and generate hope.We serve together with the church. IAFR connects local churches along the Refugee Highway (including refugee churches) with the church-at-large in ways that promote their welfare and help them further the kingdom of God in their context.OUR FOUNDERIAFR Founder and President, Tom Albinson, has served among refugees full-time since 1981 bringing a wealth of experience, understanding and relationships to IAFR.RESOURCESIAFR resources are used by churches and practitioners around the world to raise awareness, train and equip people for service among the forcibly displaced.GET INVOLVEDBe Informed: A good starting point is to subscribe to IAFR Emails ( to keep informed about current refugee realities and IAFR ministry. Follow @IAFR on Twitter and Like us on Facebook. Donate: Financial partners make a tangible difference in the lives of forcibly displaced men, women and children through IAFR ministries and projects. No gift is too small to make a difference.Serve: Volunteers help with numerous tasks that are essential to the on-going success of our ministry. While many opportunities are behind-the-scenes, they truly impact the work of IAFR and the lives of the refugees we serve. We also have opportunities for short-term and long-term service. CONTACTEmail: