Senior Partner and Chief Financial Officer at Anbaric Development Partners - Wakefield, MA, US
In 2017, Anbaric and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP), Canada's largest single-profession pension plan, formed Anbaric Development Partners to develop clean energy infrastructure projects in North America. With a focus on transmission, specifically in the offshore wind industry, and distributed energy, Anbaric's mission is to create and build the electric businesses of the future. Anbaric produces new entities that transform old energy systems into more effective and resilient ones with an emphasis on clean energy. Anbaric is committed to early stage and brownfield developments which are projected to produce $2 billion in fully constructed assets. Anbaric has helped spearhead completion of two 660 MW high-voltage, direct current (HVDC) projects - Neptune Regional Transmission System and Hudson Transmission Project. These underground and underwater electricity transmission lines were completed on time and on budget.For additional information on Anbaric visit: