VISMAP (visual strategy mapping) is a route map that uniquely combines strategy, product, market and finance. An interactive workshop-based solution supported by software that sits at the heart of your business and ensures all roads lead to one destination. Your Sat Nav to success.This is not a paper-based plan written by an MD sat in an ivory tower. It's an interactive strategy tool for an emerging digital age. Simple but not simplistic. Stimulating debate, it brings people out of silos and unites a team whilst in turn creating a visual strategy. Not only can this be seen, accessed and updated by all gatekeepers, it can also play out alternate scenarios to product and service lines to illustrate real-time financial impact. Built on responsibility and accountability, your cross-functional team moves forward together to agree and execute the strategy. Once worked out, the software seamlessly converts strategy into actions that are accessible to everyone. You will embark on a journey of discovery. Unlocking the hidden value within the business and following a step by step route map to do it. You will truly understand your products and services and their commercial worth and better understand your market. That's the magic of the VISMAP process.