Infomedia is the publisher of "Computer Programming" the oldest and far the most known programming magazine in Italy.CP is strongly committed to providing quality information on development and programming.Since 1991 Computer Programming is the life-saving reference for italian developers for its independence, quality articles, sharpness of analysis, author's prestige and the care to the needs of readers. Linux, Open Source, Windows, Visual Basic, C+ +, Database, Java, the Internet, Software Design, Algorithms are just some of the arguments that each month are in the pages of the magazine, along with Q & A, reviews, news events, previews, analysis techniques and products. On Computer Programming, you can also find interviews with characters who make and write modern computing like Wirth, Stroustrup, Meyer, Waldo, Gaslin, Stepanov, Brockschmidt, Ritcher. Every month CP is all this: ideas, solutions, competence and professionalism to 360 degrees.