Retrobrain is researching and developing novel serious gaming approaches to solve challenges in medical care and therapy with a particular focus on the elderly, Alzheimer's disease as well as motion/gesture based control schemes utilizing Kinect and other motion-sensing equipment. More generally, we are working with researchers and teams around the world to explore how serious therapeutic games can best be used to improve mental and physical health and to alleviate or prevent illness.We are currently implementing our award-wining proof-of-concept with technology partners including Microsoft Germany, research partners at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Charité Berlin, the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf and the Schering Foundation as well as experts from elderly care providers such as Caritas and the German Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta. We are further supported through the IT4Change collaboration between Ashoka and SAP as well as the "Participation for Everyone" collaboration between Ashoka and the Sovereign Order of Malta.