We are a daring, dreaming, multi-faceted collection from backgrounds in agencies and corporations worldwide. What ties us together is the common thread of compelling storytelling. We have been trusted with world-renowned brands and strategically uncovered their most powerful plotlines. Time and again we set our egos aside for the sake of the story, working in concert with our clients– because that's what's best for business. After decades in agency environments and endless hours in boardrooms, we understand what works and what doesn't. The result is a non-traditional business model that harnesses the power of best practices, executed by an unparalleled community of talent. Our point of difference is a unique, experienced perspective and selfless collaborative approach, personally tailored to our clients customers. At LORE, we believe that every experience is a story waiting to be told. This belief shapes, inspires and drives what we deliver, internally and externally to our customers and their clients. All of us at lore look forward to crafting the next chapter with you.