The IMCC Group was founded in 2018 as a result of the many companies owned and operated by Tim Mack. In 2009 Tim Mack founded International Machine, Inc a used machinery dealer in Troy, Michigan. After 9 successful years of growing that business Tim build a solid relationship with a number of companies that could allow his portfolio to grow. Tim partnered with Sean Vincent in late 2016 and started a 3R and Erowa compatible EDM Tooling company, called MAXX TOOLING. The EDM market was in need of a high quality, lower pice point and faster delivery option in the United States and abroad.CNC Prototypes was born in September 2017 as a result of a need to put machines purchased through International Machine, Inc to work. Tim purchased outright a successful machine shop located in Fraser and is operating vertical mills, turning centers and a bridgeport out of the Fraser location. With technology comes the opportunity to access information good or bad much quicker and with ease then in the past. IQ Industries was created to help Used Machinery dealers get access to the latest used machines, without marketing the prices and all information to end users. Thus giving dealers the ability to maximize profit while being competitive.