Master Police Officer Detective at Culpeper Police Department - Culpeper, Virginia, United States
Commitment:The Culpeper Police Department is committed to the impartial enforcement of criminal laws and solving problems associated with crime and disorder with the highest professional quality. Our core values are courage, compassion, duty, and integrity. We show respect for the constitutional rights and personal dignity of all people with whom we come in contact.We use a problem-solving and community-oriented policing strategy that emphasizes collaboration with other agencies, and builds partnerships with civil and service groups and with business and neighborhood associations.We believe in continuous organizational improvement and receptiveness to the need for constant change in response to the many needs of a dynamic and diverse community.We are a Nationally Accredited Agency: The Culpeper Police Department has been nationally accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. (CALEA) since 2005. We received Advance Accreditation in 2011, 2014, 2017, and in 2021. Our agency is currently in the process of obtaining our next Advance Accreditation.