We are young, educated, politically aware, tax paying professionals who want to ensure a responsible, efficient and participative democracy. We need to say something more here like when we were set up etc. We have a three tier model :PAD TALK :Inspired by the TED talk model, PAD Talk will aim to… Re-start the culture of public debates around politics. Identify systematic issues instead of merely the symptoms. Encourage positive political activism. Create opinion leaders. Here we should give a link to the past event and ideally a calendar with (potential) future events.PAD WALK :PAD Walk will aim to constructively engage with certain actionable issues identified through its Talk and Chalk programs including but not limited to:….Right To Information filings.Public Interest Litigations on significant political issues. Do we want to mention others like managing election campaigns, funding suitable candidates.PAD CHALK :PAD Chalk will aim to build a think tank for informing masses and helping politicians through…Blog,Strategic white papers,Researched articles in leading newspapers,Crowdsourcing initiatives including,demand aggregation, channelizing public feedback for Government programs.