We are all about Jesus and the message of the Gospel. The gospel is about Jesus and Jesus is about the gospel. The gospel is the power of God for salvation (Rom. 1:16) as well as God's power to transform us into the image of Jesus (2 Peter 1:3-4). This means our new life as a Christian not only starts with the Gospel, but it also grows & mature through the Gospel. The gospel initiates & sustains us from beginning to end. This is crucial to understand. Many think the gospel is just involved in "getting people saved," but the gospel is much bigger than that. It's rescues us, then goes on to perfect us. Hence, we believe the gospel is the most transforming power on planet earth. Jesus went to the cross for it, and we're giving our lives away because of it. We want to see God at work globally and locally. We have a passion to impact the world through Vancouver and in Vancouver. This is what the Great Commission is about (Mt. 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). In the end, our mission is to introduce people to the God of salvation by teaching, preaching and demonstrating His love through His empowering grace. Towards this end, God calls us to be innovative and creative in reaching our generation.