In today's overdrawn economy debtors are becoming more knowledgeable and skilled at evading current collection techniques. Although pre-suit collections can be successful via collection agencies, etc., the challenges creditors face today has made it increasingly necessary for "legal collections" to be made a part of a creditor's overall collection strategy in order to compel a debtor to pay what is rightfully owed. Goodman Frost, PLLC has developed a comprehensive, systematic approach to collections that has an established rate of successful recoveries. We believe by giving every account the individual attention it requires by utilizing an established collection process followed by ultimately holding the debtor legally accountable, Goodman frost, PLLC provides unsurpassed results. Our talented team of lawyers, managers, collectors, paralegals and customer service representatives work tirelessly to make sure every case is given the utmost consideration so that we can provide resolution for our valued clients.