i am a student - MTI Community College at ECCE, Inc - Sunnyvale, California, United States
ECCE is the next generation Social CRM application incorporating data mining and recommender systems to provide brands the ability to create campaigns, measure and predict the ROI performance in Social Networks.ECCE Customer ties the social web to the brands' sales processes, allowing all parts of the enterprise to take action with its unique collaboration platform.The mission is to provide the Brands with a strategic platform able to enhance the firm capability to generateand manage leads coming from SNs and automatically activate the influencers in the official SNs channelscreated by the brand.ECCE will connect the social web to the standard CRM processes enabling all brand departments to take actions for socially influencing purchase decisions. The Social Analytical Engine will support Marketing & CRM Directors in "listening" what happens in SNs, launching Social Campaigns and measuring the ROI in real time using one web access point.