TJ Turenne

Cool It! Challenge Facilitator / Environmental Educator at BC Sustainable Energy Association - Victoria, BC, CA

TJ Turenne's Contact Details
BC Sustainable Energy Association
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BC Sustainable Energy Association logo, BC Sustainable Energy Association contact details

BC Sustainable Energy Association

Victoria, BC, CA • 10 - 19 Employees

The BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) develops practical solutions to climate change and the looming energy crisis. We do this by providing public education, advocacy and policy work, and by turning solutions into action. To find out more, visit our website, join our listservs, participate in our free webinars. Please join BCSEA today at

sustainable energy energy efficiency renewable energy carbon reduction retrofits fuel switching
Details about BC Sustainable Energy Association
Frequently Asked Questions about TJ Turenne
TJ Turenne currently works for BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA).
TJ Turenne's role at BC Sustainable Energy Association (BCSEA) is Cool It! Challenge Facilitator / Environmental Educator.
TJ Turenne's email address is *** To view TJ Turenne's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
TJ Turenne works in the Semiconductors industry.
TJ Turenne's colleagues at BC Sustainable Energy Association are Elyse Lindgren, Elyse Lindgren, Laura Packham, Claris C., Cynthia Jarvis, Michelle Hepburn and others.
TJ Turenne's phone number is 604-332-0025
See more information about TJ Turenne