Recruitment & Outreach Assistant at SOME (So Others Might Eat) - Washington, District of Columbia, US
SOME (So Others Might Eat) is an interfaith, community-based organization that exists to help the poor and homeless of our nation's capital. We meet the immediate daily needs of the people we serve with food, clothing, and health care. We help break the cycle of homelessness by offering services, such as affordable housing, job training, addiction treatment, and counseling, to the poor, the elderly and individuals with mental illness. Each day, SOME is restoring hope and dignity one person at a time. SOME has opened a number of affordable, dignified residences for homeless families and single adults throughout the DC metro area. We currently have over 30 programs in the city. We are best known for food; and, indeed, more than 1,000 meals are served each day in our dining room and other programs; but today, SOME offers comprehensive programs that meet a full spectrum of needs while giving a sense of dignity to the poor and homeless of the District of Columbia. We have over 300 employees. Our main offices are located minutes from our Nation's Capitol, located at 60 O Street, NW Washington, DC.