HaltenTech is an international IT-company.Our priority is high quality and the benefits that our product will bring to customers. Ambitious task and complex projects are always in priority. High team work standards give our clients sense of comfort and confidence.We develop web-applications in different directions. We are attracted by the novelty and complexity of the project. And we are not afraid of atypical tasks.We have strong experience in ERP-system development. We created our own product – ERP-system for shoe factory that includes accounting functionality and managing workflow.You are on the right way if you need:- automate your production, i.e. creating ERP-systems of different level of difficulty for a wide variety of enterprises activity;- create a unique and intuitive design that will allow you use your product quickly and efficiently;- create a high quality product;- create the application built with the newest technologies.Each company, like a person, is individual. And our task is to develop a system that will match the specifics of your particular enterprise.